The massage therapist – part 2a

The massage therapist – part 2a


A little over two weeks had passed when he saw that Jenny had made another appointment. Amber smiled when she saw Jenny’s name on her appointment calendar. Would he cross that line again? The more he thought about it, the more he realized he wanted to touch Jenny again. He wouldn’t touch her if Jenny didn’t ask though.

Ambero was waiting at the front for Jenny to enter. He saw her get out of her state of the art sports car and walk towards the studio.

When Jenny walked in, Amber asked,

– How are you?

“I’m fine, but I have some muscles that need relaxing,” Jenny said with a wry smile.

“Follow me to my room and we can get started,” Amber said.

The two women go down to Amber’s massage room. Amber closed the door and asked,

– So what do you want to work on today?

Jenny looked her straight in the eyes.

– My kitty.

Amber felt herself blush.

– Oh, good. I’m going to come out and let you get under the sheet, face down, please.

Amber stepped out of the room for a minute. When he walked in, he saw Jenny lying on her stomach, the sheet barely covering her bottom. Amber said to Jenny:

– You booked another hour and a half massage. I thought I’d try something a little different.

– Okay, said Jenny.

– Are you okay if I remove the sheet? Amber asked.

– Yes, please do it.

Amber pulled the sheet off Jenny, getting a good look at her bare ass. She had a cute ass with dimples on her lower back. Amber used a generous amount of her massage oil starting near Jenny’s shoulders. She walked backwards. He continued to focus on the knots he found. It went down to her lower back. His hands slid down her back, over the dimples, up her ass. She massaged Jenny’s bottom for a while before moving down to her thighs. Her hands traveled up Jenny’s thighs back to her bottom. He slid his hand between Jenny’s legs feeling Jenny’s generous mound.

She heard Jenny moan as her hand hit her pussy. Amber returned to Jenny’s feet. Jenny moved a little, spreading her legs. Amber was treated to a great view of Jenny’s smooth pussy. She moved back up and slid her hand over Jenny’s pussy. He pressed his middle finger between the folds of Jenny’s pussy. He moved his hand up and down Jenny’s slit, her wetness providing extra lubrication.

Amber focused on Jenny’s pussy for a while before making her turn around. Amber took more massage oil and started massaging just above Jenny’s hips. He made his way to her breasts. She gently but firmly massaged Jenny’s breasts, paying particular attention to her nipples. Amber then began to work her way down Jenny’s body, jumping over her pussy and massaging each quad. Jenny continued to open her legs slowly, trying to invite a touch from Amber.

Amber had to touch Jenny; she moved her hands to the swollen lips of Jenny’s pussy. She held them out with one hand and began playing with her clit with the other. Jenny moaned softly with each finger movement. Amber slowly massaged Jenny’s swollen clit. It didn’t take long for Jenny to ejaculate. He was having a hard time not crying as Amber’s touch brought him pleasure. When he finished ejaculating, he looked at Amber and said,

– I can’t believe how good you are at making me orgasm.

Amber walked over to the sink to wash her hands. He watched as Jenny got up from the table. Jenny reached over to her purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He handed it to Amber and said,

– You deserve more than that.

Amber dried her hands and took the money, she said,

– Thank you.

– Would it be okay if I share my experience with one of my girlfriends? I think she would really enjoy one of your massages, Jenny asked.

– As long as she can be discreet, when she walks into my massage room, tell her to say “Jenny recommended you,” Amber replied.

– Brilliant! I’ll make sure he remembers, Jenny replied.

Amber looked down the hall and saw no one. He left the room to let Jenny get dressed. He paid at the front counter and Jenny left with a big smile on her face.

Amber had plenty of time to clean the room before her next customer showed up. That night, when he got home, he almost attacked Paul. He was sitting on the couch watching a show when she walked in. She got up and sat on his lap and started kissing him. She could feel him growing beneath her. She got off his lap and removed her pants. She liked to shower when she got home from work and dress comfortably. She saw his cock sticking out and started to suck it. She sucked his cock for a while and then stood up. She took off all her clothes and returned to his lap. She settled on his rock hard cock covered in saliva.

A shiver ran through her as she felt Paul’s cock slide into her. He rode him hard and moved faster than Paul had ever seen him. She screamed as she orgasmed when she felt him shoot into her. She liked to feel it flood her pussy. When Paul stopped twitching, she got off his cock. She saw that he was still hard. He got back on his knees and shoved his cum covered cock back into his mouth. She looked up at Paul as she took him fully into her mouth. She worked him hard and was soon rewarded with a small ejaculation. She happily swallowed his load.

Standing up, she pecked his cheek. Paul asked:

– What was that for?

He couldn’t tell her that he had caused another woman to orgasm, so he said:

– I felt excited, it’s your lucky day.

– You could say that again, Paul commented.

  1. The massage therapist – part 3a


The next week, Amber woke up to check the schedule to see if Jenny had made a reservation. On Thursday she had a new client. Betty appeared and seemed a little shy. Amber took Betty into her massage room and asked her:

– What can I help you with today?

– My lower back hurts, Betty said.

“Okay, I’ll step out for a minute to let you get on the table on your stomach under the sheet,” Amber instructed.

When Amber returned, Betty was on the table covered with a sheet. She went to work on her lower back, expecting to tuck the sheet into the top of her panties, but noticed that Betty had removed her panties. Amber smiled remembering her time with Jenny. Amber worked Betty’s lower back and asked her if it was okay to work her glutes.

“It’s okay,” Betty said shyly.

While working on Betty’s buttocks, because she had no panties to put the sheet in, she moved it. Amber notices Betty’s dark lips in stark contrast to her pale skin. It was nearly an hour into their hour and a half session when Betty said in an uncertain voice,

– Um, I guess I should say that Jenny recommended you.

– Oh! Why didn’t you say sooner? Amber asked.

– Well, my back hurt and I was a little scared, Betty confessed.

– Okay, are you comfortable coming back and I take off the sheet? Amber asked.

“Okay,” Betty said, starting to turn around.

Amber moved the sheet aside and looked at her first full picture of Betty. Betty’s nipples were very hard. Amber ran her hands covered in massage oil over them feeling the bumps on her areolas. He trailed his hand down to Betty’s pussy. The inner lips protruded from the outer lips. He had large dark lips. Amber ran her hand over Betty’s pussy. He parted her lips. He had a great view of Betty’s protruding clit. Amber slid her hand all the way down until she ran her finger over Betty’s puckered ass.

Amber moved her hands back to Betty’s breasts. He rolled her hard nipples between his fingers, hearing Betty’s moans. She kept a hand on Betty’s breast as she traced circles over Betty’s clit. Betty enjoyed rubbing her clit. She lifted her bottom towards Amber pressing hard into her hand.

Amber took some more massage oil and leaned over Betty’s pussy. She spread Betty’s ample labia to play with her clit. Because Amber was closer to Betty’s pussy, she could feel Betty’s arousal. It smelled amazing. Amber wanted to move in and taste her, but she had convinced herself that if she was using her hands to “massage” these women, then she was still just a massage therapist.

Betty moaned more as Amber intensified her movements. Amber moved her middle finger over Betty’s clit like she would if they were touching. He heard a loud exhale as Betty began to ejaculate. Amber smiled as she saw a small amount of cum spurt from Betty. When he finished ejaculating, he looked up at Amber in shock and said,

– Wow, you’re really good at this.

Amber smiled at Betty and turned to wash her hands. When her hands were dry, she took the sheet and spread it over Betty. He turned to leave when Betty said,

– Wait, Jenny said I should “tip” you here.

Betty jumped off the table, Amber noticed the wet stain on the sheet. She was happy that the table was easy to wipe. With the sheet wrapped around her, Betty looked through the purse. He handed Amber two hundred dollar bills.

– Thank you again. Worth every penny, Betty said.

Amber thanked her and let her get dressed. They completed their transaction.

– I will definitely book with you again if that is ok? Betty said, ending with a question.

– Of course! I look forward to seeing you again, Amber said.

Amber quickly cleaned her room before her next client showed up. She knew she was going to devastate Paul again when she got home. She was so excited she could feel her pussy throbbing as she worked on the next customer. The guy he was working on had a very big, muscular back. He admired his physique as he worked on it. This did nothing to improve his sexual frustration!

When she got home she saw Paul sitting on the sofa wearing his sweatpants after showering. She looked at him taking off his shirt and said:

– Follow me.

Paul quickly followed, both shedding their clothes. This time Paul grabbed her and threw her on the bed. He climbed between her legs, spreading her pussy. He wasn’t surprised to see how wet she was. He pounced and devoured her pussy. He was shaking and twitching in no time. Once she had orgasmed, he moved up and slid his hard throbbing cock into her extremely wet pussy. He was so excited to eat it out that he ejaculated in record time.