Massage to heaven

Massage to heaven


You lie down. I lift your head a little and place the silk blindfold over your eyes. Silk is soft and cool on your eyes and relaxing. Then comes the over-ear headset. There is soft music, a lovely flute, bells, water. Continue to relax your mind as the bare skin cools to room temperature.

Feel the familiar warm oil on your skin as I begin the massage. The massage is like any other – soft hands with a light touch let you know where I am in relation to your body. In your mind you can feel the warmth of my presence, yet your body feels only the warm, sliding hands that care for you from head to toe. You relax, but you are subtly aware that you are not completely relaxing. Not seeing and hearing makes you more sensitive to touch and the eroticism of slippery fingers as they curve along the weak muscles of your body torments you.

I slowly work my way down your back, feeling your shoulders and allowing my fingers to deftly find those small muscles around your shoulder blade, massaging and relaxing them, allowing your spine to release its stress. On the middle of your back, my hands alternately stretch your muscles, applying pressure and then releasing. It is a gentle pumping motion along your body that is a seduction of the mind. As my hands find your glute, they slide up and over, inward, as my fingers gently stretch your buttocks under their throbbing and down to your thighs. My fingertips move up through your thighs, grabbing and releasing, crushing your perineum before releasing the stress with my firm massage of your inner thigh muscles. Back up, my fingers trail over your buttocks again. I grab your hips lightly and pull to lift your ass a little in the air. Not much, but to notice it. I continue the movement, running my hands from your hips, down your outer thighs, up your inner thighs, caressing your perineum as you begin to open your muscles, then to your hips for a slight lift, the release begins them to form mental images of a gentle push each time. When I start to see your body start to anticipate those gentle movements, I shift and as I lift your hips I place a pillow under your waist, creating a slight lift to your bottom. I take some oil and let it fall. Slowly leave a wet trail between the buttocks, down the spine, towards the neck. My hands firmly follow the path of my hands, pressing down your body, down both sides of your spine until I reach the top of your neck and the base of your skull. My fingers move to you here as your head follows the manipulation of the fingers while your ass is still raised, wet with oil and kissed by the warming air. Your mind feels my hands and their absence. You long for both. Absence is as stunning as touch. No more relaxing… I want to raise your tensions now. I want to take you to our edge.

The massage continues back onto your back again, returning to your nether region, but now my forearms have pushed your legs and your manhood and testicles are completely tight and strained. I add more oil to my hands, making sure it’s still warm, then slide my hand down my perineum to my testicles, massaging them, feeling their fullness, then onto your long cock, allowing my hands to firmly caress your head . There is no light noise now. I see you as a Man and your masculinity turns me on. My hands part and as one continues to run away from stroking the head, down, pulling gently on your testicles, the other hand moves between your buttocks. It feels like heaven. I press my fingers against your perineum as I massage your cock and testicles. My fingers slowly begin to work your anus, applying pressure to relax the rings as I stimulate your tensions.

My index finger slowly slides into your dark star. Then my middle finger joins it. The caress is relentless in rhythm. It’s not fast, but it’s not slow either. It intensifies as my fingers swirl around the inside of your opening. Gliding around you to explore you. I gauge your body’s response as I find my target with my fingers, your prostate. Now my fingers press against you, the tips begin to move a little. You can feel the pressure and heat building up from her. Your penis starts to twitch and semen starts to flow out of you. Breathing quickens and hands begin to tense.

I withdraw my fingers and hands. You know why, don’t you? I let you stay there. You can’t see. You can’t hear. You call my name, not so much in desire as in wonder. Absence is as fulfilling as touch. Your body still feels my touch, but I’m not touching you anymore. I watch your body touch the absence. As your breathing slows, my hands attack you out of nowhere. My fingers slide firmly into you and immediately press and roll on your prostate while my other hand pulls down on your dripping cock. You push my hand too, but you can’t have both. You can push your cock deeper into my hand, but that takes my fingers out of your ass. You think about what you want more at this moment. And I withdraw my hands again. Your mind beats just like your body. You still feel my presence beside you as you lay there and I watch you with your body and mind at war with each other. Soon the fingers and hand are back with more oil and more physical stimulation. It’s more the sweet torture of fake deep penile penetration and deep prostate massage, one after the other. Eventually, you gain momentum and ride them each separately and concurrently. Your mind, your penis, and your ass have three different experiences, and I direct the orchestra of sensations you feel. They take you here and there with the sensations, letting your mind land wherever there is an absence or more pressure than the others.

I stop again and walk away. I look at the clock and hours have passed. Your body is a taut and stiff mass of nerves and sensations, mental and physical, you’re so close, but you’re walking on the tip of the edge like me, aren’t you? I take off your headphones and lean next to you and whisper:

– You are mine. It’s time to have what’s mine.

– Yes, it’s all you say, but I can see that your body is changing. Are you ready. You are ready to accept the other side of the coin. I go back to your hips, lift them up and remove the pillow. My gentle pull to the side guides you to turn onto your back. My still well lubricated hands return to your body, your chest is exposed to me, and my lips find their way to your nipples, kissing and sucking them as I express my devotion to your body.

My lips come up and hold the sides of your face and I touch yours. The smell of you on my hands is a heady perfume – earthy, raw, lust in a perfume. Your body goes rigid as it responds to the smell. You want to go back to that ledge now. I know you do. I want to take you there.

I remove your bond, allowing you to use all your senses now. I take a comfortable position between your legs, my shoulder lifting your leg to bend at the knee, my arm curling around your thigh and holding firmly to your hardness. The other hand goes back to your perineum and starts massaging that area from the outside. My mouth is hungry for you, but I will not be fed yet. But I want to taste it. I slip my fingers back into your ass and find that magic spot just inside. I start milking you. I see the clear surface of the semen and let my tongue enjoy her little reward for her patience. My hand tugs at your shaft, my tongue attacks your Raphe line between strokes and I know the word.

Your hands are all over my hair, your hips pushing against my mouth, my hands and fingers. You caress your sensitive spot with firm, directional strokes. My fingers move in and out to the rhythm of my stroking of this amazing hardness between us.

– Release me, you moan loudly.

You don’t want to be let go. You want to let go. To submit you’ve been riding for hours, all day in fact, but it doesn’t matter now. Now is what matters.

My touch is commanding, as is my voice. But I get along with you and you heard.

– My.

Your body tenses and I feel you thicken in my hand as the cum starts to come. I see your body embracing the milking with my word guiding you.

– Mine. Mine. Mine. NOW!

Streams come out of you and my mind screams. I want to taste it and I will, but it’s just nice to watch our launch. It continues to flow again and again and the rivers of your natural form gather. My stroking slows to a stop and I just watch you lay there. I finally bend down to taste you. It is a true devotion to enjoy yourself like this, full and empty at the same time.


  1. The best massage ever


You’ve never had a massage before, but you’ve decided you need one after being stressed for so long. Checkingagenda phone, you found a masseuse and made the appointment.

I met you at the door and was surprised to find that I had seen you around town before. At the grocery store, at the gas station, at the farm. You were really excited because you’ve never had a massage, so I made you a cup of tea and we talked for a minute. I led you back to the massage room. Heated and comfortable massage table, music. I’m telling you I’ll be back in a minute if you can please take off your clothes and get under the sheets.

You take everything off and lie on your backtime covered only by the sheet. I go back inside and pick out an oil…I think lavender would do you good, calming. I start by anointing my hands and slide them under your neck and work on your upper back and neck. Damn, I think to myself, I thought you were hot with your clothes on, but you’re really something without them.

We talk for a while and I can tell you’re getting more relaxed. I start working on the front of your chest.passing me hands on your chest makes me hotter than I’ve been in a long time.up look and I notice you’re just a little turned on. I risk and slide the sheet down a bit. I add a little more oil and move to the side of the table and work a little more on your chest…focusing on your now hard nipples. A slight movement tells me you like does the bulge in the sheet. damn you are hot I slid the sheet all the way down, exposing your hard cock. It’s so hard for me not to touch you, but I take even more oil and work on your thighs. My hands are strong but still soft after so many years of massage. I work your thighs with both hands.

I think I heard a small moan coming from you… I take my hands and slide them up and under your hips. As you stroke your hips, I lower my head and take your hard cock in my mouth. God, you are so hard and taste so good. Drip juice like crazy. It’s hard for me to take every drop of your love juice. You moan “oh yes baby deeper” as you thrust your hips into me. Your hands hold me to you. As I lick and suck you, I take some oil and rub your swollen balls. I get up and take my clothes off…I lean over you to kiss you deeply, then I climb on the table.

You slide into me so easily. Your hardness makes me moan with so much pleasure. You grab both of my breasts as I rise up and down on your hot cock. You tell me to turn around, so I do. I take you back into my mouth and you slowly start to lick my clit very hard and wet. Man, it feels so good. In no time you have 2 strong fingers in my hot pussy, finger rubbing me hard as you lick and suck.

– Oh my God, you’re going to make me orgasm soon!

As I have you deep in my mouth, grabbing and pulling at your balls, you send me over the edge, body shaking. As you ejaculate, you fill my throat with a hot load, pulling hard and shouting:

– Damn, yeah, damn!!