Erotic massage salon – first visit

 Erotic massage salon – first visit


The first woman who ever rubbed it on me was a masseuse. I’m not particularly proud to admit it, but I was 18, a bit shy, with no immediate prospects and in need of a little release.

The experience was probably similar to what many have gone through in that situation. I visited a well-known erotic massage parlor that was known to offer additional services. I walked into an empty hallway and heard a buzz as I opened the door. I stood there embarrassed. For maybe twenty seconds I was greeted by a very attractive girl who I guessed was a year or two older than I was at the time. He led me to a side room, told me to take off all my clothes and left immediately. Coming back about a minute later, we talked about prices which I agreed to without protest. It was my first time undressing in front of a woman, so I was a little nervous, but my masseuse was surprisingly jovial.

After massaging my back, legs, arms and bottom for about 10 minutes, she asked:

– You’re here for something else, aren’t you?

– …yes, I answered somewhat shyly.

She reached between my legs and gently touched my scrotum before asking:

– Do you want me to rub you here too?

When I answered yes, I was told that the service would cost extra. And this sum was paid without protest. He told me to turn around and again left the room before I could comply. I have to admit, it was a little weird lying alone, naked, in a strange place with an erection out of control, knowing that shortly a woman would touch my penis for the first time and bring me to orgasm.

A minute or two later she turned and, noticing my erection, smiled and joked with a grin:

– Oh, you’re already ready!

For some reason, her words turned me on even more. She started massaging my shoulders, chest, abdomen, skipping over my cock to my thighs. I remember my cock twitching involuntarily when he did that.

– Haha, don’t worry, she assured me, playfully looking at my quivering and hard cock. I will make him feel very good soon.

She wasn’t lying. Just a few seconds later, she poured a generous helping of warm oil on the underside of my cock, applied more to her hands, and began stroking.

Pleasure shot through my body like lightning. For the first time in my life, a woman’s soft, warm hand ran up and down my back. He put one hand around the base of my cock and stroked me with the other.

– Oh gosh! I cried out involuntarily as she gently squeezed the tip of my cock and then slid her hand back down, making a tight ring around my shaft with two fingers.

“Hmm, yes, they make you feel good,” she said. But you like it.

It was so simple and felt so wonderful. I knew I wouldn’t last long. Damn, I wanted this to go on forever, but maybe a few seconds later, my hips flexed visibly as I felt my orgasm; she noticed that too.

“Mmmm, time to ejaculate,” she said in a slightly lower tone.

– Oh gosh! I escaped.

Seconds later, I blew the biggest load of my life so far, with several huge sprays erupting several meters into the air.

– Haha, oh wow!

 I remember her giggling as she continued to stroke me as I ejaculated. Finally, after her hands and much of my abdomen were drenched in cum, my orgasm began to subside. Still gently stroking my cock, she said:

– Ah, you are a little too excited! A lot of sperm!

Finally, she asked:

– I got all the sperm, right? in a tone so clinical it was sexy in itself, giving my cock a few final strokes, putting extra thumb pressure on the brake. The sight of her holding my cock hard with cum dripping and running between her fingertips was almost enough to make me ejaculate again immediately.

Then he washed his hands,m-a cleaned with a warm towel and said goodbye.

– Ah, a lot of mess, she observed as she cleaned the cum off my abdomen and cock with a hot, wet towel. And that felt incredible, and when he was done, I had another hard erection.

– Mmm, I’ll rub it again for less this time, she said, but alas, I spent all my money in the first round. She thanked me, hugged me and asked me to come again.

I left, amazed at what had just happened and partly ashamed. Not the way I wanted to get my first handjob, but it felt so good.